When it comes to transport solutions, there is almost nothing we cannot provide for you. Whether it’s sea, road, air, or rail, we are your partner for reliable, efficient, and punctual logistics. You can also book specialized solutions or request special transports from us. Simply contact our team of logistics experts to discuss your needs.
We provide a holistic solution for your supply chain, ensuring that products and goods reach you and your customers at all times. In addition to our core services of container transport, ocean freight, road transport, and timber transport, we also offer special and specialized transport solutions tailored to your specific requirements.
Especially for heavy and specialized transports, as well as hazardous goods, logistics service providers require specific permits and meet special requirements. With us, you have a partner by your side who can assist you in delivering any type of cargo.
In addition, you benefit from our extra services such as dedicated storage facilities on-site and support in planning and executing special transports.
We are always by your side with the necessary expertise, modern technology, and the required permits in accordance with ADR guidelines.
Heavy cargo transports/ special transports
Inquire with us now and talk to our experts about any logistics task.
Reliable and fast
Contact us here for the individual solution to your logistics challenge
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